Trapping SIG inside Fargate and ECS containers¶
Wrap any container, which you want to trap signals inside. In my example I use custom SIG handler for prevent Consul Agent sidecar's early shutdown. Timeout can be set through env variable EXIT_TIMEOUT.
FROM consul:1.6.2
COPY entrypoint.sh ./
RUN chmod +x entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["./entrypoint.sh"]
set -x
if [ ! -z $EXIT_TIMEOUT ]; then
# Signals-handler
sig_handler() {
if [ $pid -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$1: Waiting $2 sec..."
sleep $2s
kill -$1 "$pid"
wait "$pid"
exit $((128+$3));
# Setup handlers for SIGTERM and SIGINT signals.
# On callback, kill the last background process,
# which is `tail -f /dev/null` and execute the specified handler.
# Handler will kill with trapped signal process number from $pid variable.
trap 'kill ${!}; sig_handler SIGTERM ${timeout} 15' SIGTERM
trap 'kill ${!}; sig_handler SIGINT ${timeout} 2' SIGINT
# Run original entrypoint script with received parametrs
docker-entrypoint.sh "$@" &
# Wait forever
while true
tail -f /dev/null & wait ${!}
Pay attention!
- Fargate and ECS containers use different way for stop_timeout definition. Fargate defines it inside json task definition parameter, but ECS container make it through env variable ECS_CONTAINER_STOP_TIMEOUT inside it's container.
- Also, be careful with these parameters and wrapper trap timeout value. It has to be equal or less than stop_timeout minus real time for container's graceful shutdown.
Time-based autoscaling on Fargate¶
Sometimes we want to turn off our staging environments at night to save some money. If your infrastructure use a lot of Fargate containers - you can set there cron scheduler for every task you have. Only have to remember about API Call limits. If you setup many timers to trigger at the same time - they could be throttled. AWS wont explain exact numbers, but after many checks and fails - we've found out that this number is about 100. And AWS don't want to increase it by our request to support team... Maybe we are not big enough for them. :)
Set parameters¶
$ aws application-autoscaling register-scalable-target --service-namespace ecs \
--scalable-dimension ecs:service:DesiredCount \
--resource-id service/${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}/${ECS_SERVICE_NAME} \
--min-capacity 1 \
--max-capacity 3
$ export SCALE_OUT_ACTION_NAME=fargate-time-based-scale-out
# configure scaling out
$ aws application-autoscaling put-scheduled-action --service-namespace ecs \
--scalable-dimension ecs:service:DesiredCount \
--resource-id service/${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}/${ECS_SERVICE_NAME} \
--scheduled-action-name ${SCALE_OUT_ACTION_NAME} \
--schedule "cron(50 23 * * ? *)" \ # every day at 8:50am JST
--scalable-target-action MinCapacity=3,MaxCapacity=10
$ export SCALE_IN_ACTION_NAME=fargate-time-based-scale-in
# configure scaling in
$ aws application-autoscaling put-scheduled-action --service-namespace ecs \
--scalable-dimension ecs:service:DesiredCount \
--resource-id service/${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}/${ECS_SERVICE_NAME} \
--scheduled-action-name ${SCALE_IN_ACTION_NAME} \
--schedule "cron(10 9 * * ? *)" \ # every day at 6:10pm JST
--scalable-target-action MinCapacity=1,MaxCapacity=1
$ aws application-autoscaling delete-scheduled-action --service-namespace ecs \
--scheduled-action-name ${SCALE_OUT_ACTION_NAME} \
--resource-id service/${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}/${ECS_SERVICE_NAME} \
--scalable-dimension ecs:service:DesiredCount
$ aws application-autoscaling delete-scheduled-action --service-namespace ecs \
--scheduled-action-name ${SCALE_IN_ACTION_NAME} \
--resource-id service/${ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}/${ECS_SERVICE_NAME} \
--scalable-dimension ecs:service:DesiredCount
$ aws application-autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions --service-namespace ecs \
--scheduled-action-names ${SCALE_IN_ACTION_NAME} ${SCALE_OUT_ACTION_NAME}
See also¶
Terraform example¶
resource "aws_appautoscaling_target" "tgt" {
service_namespace = "ecs"
resource_id = "service/${var.cluster}/${var.service}"
scalable_dimension = "ecs:service:DesiredCount"
role_arn = "${var.role_arn}"
min_capacity = 1
max_capacity = 1
lifecycle = {
create_before_destroy = true
// Night OFF (capacity 0) scheduler at 21:00 UTC
resource "aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action" "night_off" {
name = "${var.service}-night-off-timer"
service_namespace = "ecs"
resource_id = "service/${var.cluster}/${var.service}"
scalable_dimension = "ecs:service:DesiredCount"
schedule = "cron(0 21 * * ? *)"
scalable_target_action {
min_capacity = 0
max_capacity = 0
depends_on = ["aws_appautoscaling_target.tgt"]
// Day ON scheduler (capacity 1) at 5:00 UTC
resource "aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action" "day_on" {
name = "${var.service}-day-on-timer"
service_namespace = "ecs"
resource_id = "service/${var.cluster}/${var.service}"
scalable_dimension = "ecs:service:DesiredCount"
schedule = "cron(0 5 * * ? *)"
scalable_target_action {
min_capacity = 1
max_capacity = 1
depends_on = ["aws_appautoscaling_target.tgt"]
ESR repo access from another account¶
Set Repo Permissions Policy in main Account A for Account B:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Payments"
"Principal": {
"AWS": [ // Cahnge to "root" for whole account B access
"Sid": "AllowCrossAccountPushAndPull"